Cedric Hayes
BS, Mechanical Engineering & Technical Communication
New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM
Graduated December 2018
GPA: 3.9 (on a 4.0 scale)
Junior Design Project: “Battlefield Evacuation Robot Optimization”
Senior Design Project: “Augmented Reality Smart Facility”
Senior Design Project: “Desert Rose Prosthetic Arm”
Senior Thesis: “Games for Good: How Games Can Improve Technical Communication Skills”
AA, Liberal Studies
Western New Mexico University, Silver City NM
Graduated December 2013
GPA 3.8 (on a 4.0 scale)
Intern. Los Alamos National Labs, Los Alamos NM, (Summer 2018). Developed new techniques for analyzing metallic melt pools in additive manufacturing. This included developing new algorithms to analyze asynchronous event based videos recorded by silicon retinas and extract frequency. It also included using traditional video analysis techniques to extract principal components from melt pools. This culminated in writing a conference paper and presenting at IMAC in 2019.
Graphic Artist. New Mexico Tech Performing Arts Series, Socorro NM, (Aug 2014 to Jan 2020). Designed most of the promotional material for PAS including posters, newspaper ads, billboards, season calendar, and ad booklet, as well as ads for local businesses. I also created video compilations for grant applications that highlighted the variety and quality of the programs at PAS. Supervisor: Ronna Kalish.
Freelance Artist. New Mexico Tech CLASS Department, Socorro NM, (Dec 2016 to Jan 2017). Designed electronic badges that could be awarded to students in English 112 to increase engagement. Client: Shawn M. Higgins.
YCC Crew Leader. Youth Conservation Corps, Silver City NM. (Aug. 2009 to Aug. 2013). Organized crewmembers and directed the daily work schedule. This included working with my supervisor to establish daily goals, managing task rotations, and teaching workers how to use the tools of the trade. Supervisor: Dave Menzie and Deb Preusch.
Intern. Karen Carr Studios, Silver City, NM. (Aug. 2009 to Aug 2012).
Modeled, textured, and animated 3D models in Lightwave and Zbrush. I also co-directed, filmed, edited, and created special effects for a short film. 2009 to 2012. Supervisor: Karen Carr.
Honors and Recognitions
Graduated with Highest Honors from New Mexico Tech
Transfer Excel Scholarship at New Mexico Tech
Graduated with Honors at Western New Mexico University